ВОТ ТЕБЕ И... coll
[Interj; Invar; fixed WO]
used to express one's surprise (usu. unpleasant) that s.o. or sth. turned out to be very different than expected; or used to express one's dissatisfaction that sth. anticipated either does not take place at all or turns out worse than expected:
- so much for...;
- thate (there's) a [NP] for you;
- there goes your [NP];
- some [NP].
     ♦ Собрались мы в лес по грибы, а тут дождь пошёл. Вот тебе и грибы! We were just about to leave for the woods to pick mushrooms when suddenly it started to rain. So much for mushroom picking!
     ♦ "Полянкин оказался прекрасным бизнесменом: он уже разбогател в своём кооперативе". - "Вот тебе и бывший партийный функционер!" "Polyankin turned out to be quite a businessman: he has already made a fortune off his cooperative." "There's a former party functionary for you!"
     ♦ Сколько Настёна помнила, никогда в эту пору так не заметало. Вот тебе и весна - март покатился под горку (Распутин 2). As long as Nastyona could remember, it never snowed like this at this time of the year. Some spring-and March was almost over (2a).

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